Yesterday I had a fantastic and interesting guided tour around the Arctic Corsair Trawler. This is part of my research for my next novel, set around the fishing community of Hessle Road in the 1950s. Now a museum, the trawler is moored on the River Hull in the old town. Our guide, John, who comes from a fishing background, was a mind of stories and information. I listened intently and making mental notes and a few pencilled ones. What struck me was the dangers that the deep sea trawlermen faced in the Icelandic fishing grounds and the hazard conditions they worked in. But shining through was the spirit and comradeship of the men, it is ingrained in the very fabric of the trawler. Down below, there are written testaments to this. The tour and the 10 minute action film lasted one hour and 30 minutes.
A great experience and well worth the visit.